Redefining “Clean” Beauty and Why Toxic Forever Chemicals Could Be a Thing of the Past

Last year, California became the first state in the US to ban toxic chemicals in cosmetics.  Maryland did the same this month but the laws don’t take effect until 2025.

Did you know there are harmful chemicals in a significant amount of cosmetics? The FDA is silent about these chemicals, and the EPA doesn’t regulate them in our water supply. Despite the widespread use of these chemicals, Dr. Liia Ramachandra is redefiningclean” beauty in skincare products and believes toxic “forever chemicals” could be a thing of the past.

Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are chemicals used in products because of their water, oil, and grease-resistant properties. Popular in food packaging, non-stick cookware, and cosmetics, they earned the name “forever chemicals” because they will never break down, thus remaining in the environment forever.

Dr. Liia struggled with psoriasis and gluten allergies, and finding allergen-free and gluten-free skincare products was difficult. She created EpiLynx by Dr. Liia to help others suffering from similar allergies and autoimmune diseases. Her skincare products are allergen-friendly, gluten-free, cruelty-free, vegan, and sensitive skin-friendly and free from toxic PFAS.

The No PFAS in Cosmetics Act was recently introduced to ban toxic “forever chemicals” in makeup. If this revolutionary bill passes, Dr. Liia would be happy with the positive step but is still concerned with lasting effects on our environment and bodies. “At this point, due to contamination of water over time, those chemicals are most likely already in our bodies,” said Dr. Liia.

PFAS have been in our water since 1950, and results of federal studies show the chemical present in almost everyone tested.  The No PFAS in Cosmetics Act could lead to positive change, but be mindful of what goes into your body. “Clean” beauty is good for you and the environment, and abolishing “forever chemicals’ will benefit everyone.

For more information on Dr. Liia’s “clean” beauty products, visit